A rawlicios summertime dessert. Un desert crud-delicios de vara

June 16, 2013 Sam 0 Comments

In Romania, luna iunie, popular, se numeste Ciresar. Un nume, spun eu, perfect adaptat naturii divine. Pentru ca ea ne pune la dispozitie neincetat diverse si cuprinzatoare reflectii de culori si gusturi apreciabil atragatoare. Printre care, ce-i drept pentru o perioada scurta de timp, regasim mult slavitele cirese. Astfel ca nu puteam sa trec cu vederea de dulceata lor fara a realiza o gustare.

INGREDIENTE (2 portii)
pentru budinca de chia:
- 1/2 cana lapte de orez
- 2 linguri seminte de chia (despre beneficiile acestor seminte gasiti aici)
- 1 mana de cirese
- 1 lingura fulgi de cocos bio

pentru crema de caju:
- 1 cana nuci caju (inmuiat inprealabil peste noapte sau cel putin 2 ore)
- 1 cana cirese
- 1 lingura de miere (cantitatea in functie de gust)
- 1 lingurita ulei de cocos bio

Scoateti samburii din cirese si taiati-le bucatele. Adaugati laptele, semintele de chia, fulgii de cocos si ciresele intr-un castron si amestecati bine. Lasati la frigider aproximativ 1-2 ore sau pana cand se absoarbe aproape tot lichidul.

*Nota: semintele de chia retin lichidul de pana la 12 ori greutatea lor transformandu-se astfel intr-o budinca.

Intre timp realizati crema de caju. Adaugati nucile de caju alaturi de cirese (fara samburi), miere si uleiul de cocos in blender si mixati pana cand devine cremos si ingredientele se combina bine intre ele.
Asezati pe rand intr-un pahar un strat din fiecare crema pana cand ramaneti fara budinca si crema.

*Nota: acest desert e mai gustos dupa ce sta aproximativ o ora la frigider.
Va doresc o duminica placuta si o
saptamana minunata!


Ingredients (serves 2 people)

for the chia pudding:
2 TBSP of chia seeds
½ cup of rice milk
1 handful of cherries, pitted and diced
1 TBSP of coconut flakes bio
for the cashew cream:
1 cup of cashews (soaked over night or at least 2 hours)
1 cup of cherries, pitted and sliced
1 TBSP honey
1 tsp coconut oil bio


Start by preparing the chia seed pudding. Combine all of the ingredients in a small bowl and stir. Set the pudding in the refrigerator for at least 1-2 hours or until the mixture thickens and is no longer liquidy.  

Meanwhile prepare the cashew cream. Blend the cashews and cherries along with coconut oil and honey in a high-powered blender until you have a smooth texture and everything is well combined. 

Then, assemble the parfaits. In two small to medium sized glasses alternate layers of the pudding and the cherry cream. Continue to do this in until you have no more pudding/cream.

*Note: it is best to allow them to set for another hour or so in the refrigerator before serving. They are more delicious this way :)

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